Sunday, January 18, 2009


The Banana Who Went To Space

One terrible stormy day in Canada, [Eleni: what am i doing? where am i?!] [someone: psst! ure on air!!!] a random guy from a foot cream shop was hungry. So, he went to the vegetable shop to buy some hotdogs and mac n' cheese. Suddenly... (dun-dun-dun!) [Eleni: where's that sound effect comin from?!] he found a BANANA sitting next to the latest iPod thingy. It was dancing to the "It's Peanut Butter Jelly Time!" song. The guy knew that banana was special cos there are no dancing bananas allowed in the vegetable shop--it says there, see??:

okie, so the guy bought that particular banana [Eleni: it's the only banana there! >=O] and brought it home without going back to work... The banana danced all day and night and evening and morning and rainy days and sunny days and windy days and every day!!! The guy was so annoyed... He hated that banana and that "peanut butter jelly time" song... So he wanted to abandon that banana but didn't know how... [Eleni: wth?! juz leave him on the streets la!!!]

So the next day the guy [Eleni: LEFT THAT BANANA ON THE STREETS!!!] uhh, yea... but it didn't work... the banana came back by riding the bus... It told the guy that he owes the bus guy $50... The guy hated the banana more... So he tried mailing it to Timbuktu... but the random dudes who got the mail sent it back to him... haihz... So the guy went to the send-things-to-outer-space-place and sent the banana into space...

When the banana was in space, he finally realize the guy hated him so much... He floated in space... floating and floating... and... still floating... UNTIL (dun-dun-dun!!!) [Eleni: there's the sound effect again!!!] he landed on a candy planet! "welcome to Candana!!!" said the aliens there... "wow it's almost the name of where i come from!"

The banana was very happy to have new friends... It sang and danced to the "peanut butter jelly time" song again... The aliens were so annoyed they wanted to get rid of the banana too... Even aliens from other planets got annoyed...

so the story continues just like what "the guy" did... THE END!!!

story- Hana n nobody else
drawing- Hana n nobody else
characters- Hana n nobody else
voices- Eleni n random dude who said "ure on air!"

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