my earth, my world...
17 n 18 December 2008!!! they were da dayz i went to da "my earth my world" workshop!!!17 Dec....
we were split into 7 teams... [duck, cat, goat, frog, chicken, bird, cow] im in team duck! we oso hv facilitators in each team... "mama duck", "papa cat" etc... we made this paper hand thingy... danced... and watched vids, vids, vids abt da environment stuff!!! it wuz quite boring, actually... which is why i didn wanna go da next day...!!! I TELL U, I AM STILL GLAD I DID!!! so... we did da same thing da whole day... but...
18 Dec!!!we had to come early to da place cuz we were going on a field trip!!! to F.R.I.M!!! it wuz my 1st time there so i took many photos!!! ---
1st i took a pic of giant bamboo! it's uhh... giant? ok nth rly to talk abt it... so... movin on!
tats ME on a "MAGGI tree" (luv da name...) Eleni says tat i look like her in this pic (from far away) n i kinda agree... =P
da leaves of these trees r not touchin each other... which makes em look like sum kind of puzzle... =)
da thing circled is a baby leech... on one of da facilitators, Fareez's thumb...! one time when we were walkin, we saw a BIG leech... wrigglin rly fast... =S
we were DYING thirsty until... DA-DA-DA-DAA!!! our hero came!!! IT'S....!!!! >>ice-cream dude... XD look at tat... everyone's crowdin around him to get his auto.... =') >>ice-cream... =|
ok so tats one of da dudes hu made da charcoal....
n tats da charcoal!!! ryte there!!! Joe da green arrow (hahah! green arrow... XD) is pointin to it! =)
so... when they were talkin abt charcoal... i wuzn rly payin attention... n ooh! i saw this bug... on a bottle... in da drain... n i took a pic of it... u're thinkin, "why da chicken did u take a pic of a bug on a bottle in a drain?!!!" ryte? well.... C'MON! IT WUZ A BUG! HOW CUD I NOT?!
ahem ahem... movin on with my life...
so we were walkin walkin walkin until i saw this cute rock thing... actually it wuz a rolled-up millipede... i heard sum1 touched it... =) n afta tat...
i saw this rly mossy rock...! =) u don expect me to NOT take a pic of it do ya?!
all d facilitatorz!!! da bottom row on the riiight is my "mama duck" =)
here's my achin feet! ^_^ ok ELENI don try to even thinkabt braggin abt how far U'VE walked--AGAIN! i haven been tat far b4 but i noe how far i've walkd in FRIM is oso feet explodin K?!
....yeea.... tats da sign board of da canopy walk... i don rly noe y i took a pic of it n y im puttin it in my blog... but WATEVA! =)
lalala... walk walk walk... finally we reach da top of da forest!!! so we waited for a while till everyone wuz there, n continued walkin to the...
CANOPY BRIDGE!!! this is da pic i took b4 i went through... i hv no idea hu tat is... in dat purple shirt... =P anyway...
this is da pic i took afta i went through da canopy bridge... it wuz sooo HIGH! n this chicken guy kept shakin da thing! >=O
so we were walkin.... lots of walkin... n i didn take any pics while walkin cos i cudn stand still cuz i wuz balancing on rocks... but...
afta all tat walkin, we finally made it to da waterfall!!! it's mostly more giant rocks, but there wuz COLD water!!! =) everyone even saw a woman meditating on a rock, but afta sum time she stopped and left... (i think it's becuz we were too noisy! ^_^)
so we had lunch, but i didn eat, only drank and ate ice-cream... from this guy! =) note: ice-cream dudes were our heroes! ;D *ping!*
so when we got back to da NST place (i donno where) we had to do a group performance! (abt da environment) my team made a story... we got 2nd place n won tupperwares! =) then... everyone got their own pet plant... i called mine Jeff... =) ok so we were talkin until i saw sumtin movin on Jeff's pot... TADA!!! an earthworm!!! i named it BOB =) n i took HIM n put HIM in my tupperware...
so afta tat we all went home... i told my dad abt Bob being in my tupperware so he put da thing in da boot... n when we got home... i opened my tupperware n... BOB-WUZ-GONE! so he's definitely still in da car... pfft! i don care! it's juz BOB! and duh... Eleni is scared he will return... ~THE RETURN OF BOB~!!!! =)
RACHEL!!! ok now in my whole life i've met 3 Rachels...
1st one- RACHEL Wong Lee Yinn (i met her when i wuz 7 on da first day of skool)
2nd-at da BOOM TIME!!! workshop... i got along with... RACHEL...
3rd-ure lookin at her... (if ur eyes r at da pic!)
mama chicken, mama cow, mama duck, papa cat, n da others i 4got...
plus Dr. Anne!!! she luvs my team so much... she helps our team a lot... =')
N my other teammates! Nicholas (Rachel's cuzin), Haris (this annoyin guy), Danial (i donno him tat well) and Kishen!(a guy who won't believe i ate 3 roti canai... =P) ahh... there's Dr. Anne... beside me... =)
so tats da whole workshop! =) luved da 2nd day... kinda hated da 1st day... =P
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